What makes a good football team? Dec. 2013 | Page 48


Chelsea F.C.

Chelsea have shown that their fans are willing to put their money into the team, to commit to the Blues. With such an authority over the global population, it would seem stupid that no-one would invest in Chelsea. They clearly can offer so much presence for any company that look to become larger and more noticed. The real question is though, who are these companies?

WHo has the will to invest in such a global team

Chelsea F.C. closed a deal with sports company Adidas for their new shirt sponsorship. Guessed to be around £300 million, Chelsea have been given the green light to drop more money over the next few seasons. It is not suprising that Adidas would hope to retain their partners as Chelsea F.C. grow in numbers. With more success on the way, Chelsea can expect an even bigger deal once this contract runs out.