Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes
The Statistics
Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes
It ’ s possible for anyone can get type 2 diabetes , but certain high risk factors do exist :
§ People age 45 and older § Those who are obese or overweight with a BMI or
35 or more § Those who have had gestational diabetes § When type 2 diabetes runs in the family § Those who have been diagnosed with pre- diabetes § Poor lifestyle choices , like unhealthy diet and lack of exercise § Those who have low HDL ( good ) cholesterol or high triglycerides § Those who have high blood pressure § African Americans , Latinos , Native Americans
§ and Asian Americans / Pacific Islanders are at higher risk for contracting this disease
The Statistics
Although diabetes can occur at any age . Below are the numbers reported by the American Diabetes Association , the Diabetes Prevention Program and other government authorities show the staggering prevalence of diabetes , and specifically the preventable type 2 diabetes which accounts for most of the cases in the United States .
§ 29.1 million adults in the United States have diabetes , of those 90 % to 95 % are diagnosed with type 2 . This equates to 1 in 10 adults age 20 to 64 .
§ Diabetes incidence increases with age . About 26 % of people 65 years of age or older have diabetes , this equates to 1 in 4 senior adults .
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