Diagnosis Of Type 2 Diabetes
Diagnosis Of Type 2 Diabetes
The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes , or pre-diabetes , is made by a doctor , and is based on a blood test known as the Hemoglobin A1C . According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services , lab analysis of blood is required to ensure accurate results .
While glucose-measuring devices ( finger stick tests pictured on the left ) either used at home or at the doctor ’ s office can be used to track and manage blood glucose on a regular basis , they are not accurate enough for diagnosis .
The A1C became the standard test for the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes in 2009 and is reported as a percentage :
� Normal reading is below 5.7 %
� 5.7 % to 6.4 % indicates prediabetes , and those with a reading above 6.0 % are considered at a very high risk of developing type 2 diabetes
� Any reading over 6.5 % means a person has diabetes
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