What Is Type 2 Diabetes, Prevent, Manage, Recover, Defeat What Is Type 2 Diabetes, Prevent, Manage, Recover, | Page 5

Two Types of Diabetes

What Is Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus ( or “ diabetes ” as it ’ s commonly known ) is a metabolic disorder linked with elevated blood glucose . Normally , when we eat foods containing carbohydrates , we absorb glucose from the stomach . The increase in glucose triggers the islet cells in the pancreas to put out a hormone known as insulin . Insulin binds to cells in the body allowing the cells to take up the glucose to use as fuel for cells .
Without insulin production or with insulin resistance , glucose cannot get into the cells , which do not get enough nutrients and the sugar ( glucose ) in the bloodstream elevates , damaging organs and blood vessels . This is when diabetes occurs .

Two Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes , is considered an autoimmune disease where the body makes antibodies that destroy the islet cells of the pancreas , leading to very low insulin levels and extremely high blood sugar ( glucose ) levels . Once the death of the islet cells occurs , the process is irreversible . The patient ’ s only recourse is to take shots of short , medium , and / or long acting insulin to make up for the insulin the body doesn ’ t make . Type 1 diabetes is often referred to as insulin dependent .
Type 2 Diabetes . With this type of diabetes , the individual makes enough insulin ; however , the cells become resistant to it and even with elevated insulin levels , not enough glucose enters the cells . The blood sugar rises and causes the same complications as type 1 diabetes . Fortunately , this type of diabetes can be treated with medication , healthy lifestyle choices , and other natural therapies . Type 2 diabetes , unlike type 1 can be reversed , with weight loss and healthy diet .
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