§ Of the 29 million diabetics , only 21 million have been diagnosed and 8 million remain undiagnosed and have no idea they have the disease . § 1 out of 3 babies born in 2000 will develop diabetes . § 86 million people age 20 years had prediabetes in 2012 . That ’ s up from 79 million in 2010 . Pre-diabetes is the occurrence of insulin resistance and mildly elevated levels of blood sugar but not enough to meet the criteria for diabetes . If a person who is diagnosed with pre-diabetes continues an unhealthy lifestyle that promotes it , they can easily tip the scales toward the diagnosis of diabetes .
§ Diabetes is the 7 th leading cause of death in the U . S . Diabetes alone is the cause of death in about 69,000 people per year . It is listed as a contributing factor toward death in another 234,000 death certificates .
§ The incidence of diabetes varies among different ethnic groups . It makes up 7.6 % of the population in Caucasians and 9 % of the Asian population . The rates of diabetes are higher in non-Hispanic blacks at 13.2 % and American Indians or Alaskan natives at 15.9 %.
§ 9.2 % of pregnancies are diagnosed with gestational diabetes . Women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy have a 35 % to 60 % chance of developing type 2 diabetes within 10 to 20 years following the pregnancy .
§ Diagnosed cases of diabetes cost the United States an estimated $ 245 billion in 2012 , and the figure is only expected to rise .
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