Western Pallet Magazine January 2024 | Page 12


“Working over 20 years with everybody in the Western Pallet Association, you guys have been a super wonderful group to work with,” Sweitzer said. We've made a lot of good friends.” He remarked on the remarkable growth that the association has achieved during his time with WPA. Sweitzer underscored the importance of state advocacy for the group moving forward.

The meeting heard brief reports from the various WPA committees, including state advocacy, resource, revenue streams and member engagement. Members wishing to volunteer time to these important initiatives are encouraged to reach out.

“Several WPA pioneers were acknowledged in conjunction with the 50th-anniversary meeting, including Mark and Diann Garnett, Greg Vipond, Gary Crane, Kelly Bennion and Jeff Calavan.

Outgoing president Steve Mazza shared some of the exciting initiatives being pursued by the WPA, including Pallet University as well as online master learning groups and webinars.

Jorge Eroza, at left, is the new WPA President. Steve Mazza (center) becomes the Immediate Past President, accepting the baton from Ralph Rupert (at right), the outgoing Past President.

WPA Annual Meeting

Cont'd from Page 11