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Do a quick Google search on exercises and you ’ ll soon discover there ’ s an exercise for every level .
There are extreme exercises that promise to make you vomit and make you unable to move the next day .
� There are other exercises that are lighter and focus more on flexibility .
But , we need to remember the foundation of exercise is cardio and resistance training ; we need a balance of both .
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We need to increase our heart level . – Cardio And we need to strengthen our muscles . – Resistance training
Don ’ t worry , just because you lift weights or do several pushups , it doesn ’ t mean you ’ re going to become a body builder .
However , if you choose to ignore resistance training you will become squishy and have things jiggle .
Here ’ s what you need to know about lifting weights :
� Lift heavy weights and you ’ ll grow your muscles . You ’ ll want to feel tired between 8-10 reps .
Lift lighter weights and you ’ ll tone your muscles . You ’ ll know its light for you when you can do more reps , ideally 12-15 reps .
Other than keeping a balance of cardio and resistance training , you ’ ll want to find an exercise program that is fun for you . Something you look forward to doing every day .
* The contents on this EBook are for informational purposes only , and are not intended to provide any medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment . Always seek the advice of your health provider regarding your unique needs and medical condition . ** Julio Diaz is a Independent Team Beachbody Coach .