P a g e | 11
Step 6 : List the Skills You Need to Acquire to Attain the Goal
Taking on your goal and succeeding depends on what you do to make it easier and more achievable .
Here are some things you may need to learn to lose weight :
� What foods to buy at the store . � Healthy recipes you can cook at home . � Best places to exercise locally . � Best fitness workout for you . � Difference between cardio & resistance workouts . � Type of workout best suited for your goals . � Type of supplements that will help you achieve your goal . � Time management skills .
Learn all you can about making your goal into reality .
Step 7 : Develop a Plan
Steps 1 & 2 - You know your goal and when you want to achieve it .
Step 3 - You know what ’ s in your way . Step 4 - You know who you can ask for help .
Step 5 - You know how your goal will benefit you . You determined your WHY .
Step 6 - You know what skills you must acquire to help you along the way .
Now we need to learn “ HOW ” you will achieve your goal .
Set times of when you ’ re going to do your research and talk to people so that you can implement your plan to reach your goal .
Break up your goal into little goals . For example , if your goal is to lose 30 pounds . Figure out how many pounds you should be losing every week until the date you specified you would achieve it ( Step 2 ).
* The contents on this EBook are for informational purposes only , and are not intended to provide any medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment . Always seek the advice of your health provider regarding your unique needs and medical condition . ** Julio Diaz is a Independent Team Beachbody Coach .