Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 57



French Toast

Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 57 by Brad Callen

( c High5 )

P / C / F Ratio : 34 / 54 / 12
This French Toast was created with High5 & Atkins Sugar Free Maple Syrup . High5 has a very low sugar content per scoop


4 Servings
• 8 slices of Whole Wheat Sugar Free bread ( Natureʼs Own ) from Wal-Mart
• 2 Egg Whites , raw
• 1 scoop High5 ( protein powder ) in 8-12 oz of water
• 1 cup of Atkins Sugar Free syrup w / Splenda ( 1 / 4 cup per 2-slice serving of French toast )
• 1 tsp Imitation Vanilla Extract , ( without Alcohol )
Preparation Instructions
Spray skillet with Pam . Mix ( Egg Whites , High 5 mixture , and Imitation Vanilla Extract ) in a bowl . Dip slices of Sugar Free Whole Wheat bread in the egg white and High5 mixture until well-coated . Cook on medium heat until done . Serve on plate ( 2 slices / serving ) with 1 / 4 cup Atkins Sugar Free Syrup / serving . Add other toppings / seasonings as desired ..
Nutrition Information
Per Serving
Calories :
Protein :
14 grams
Total Carbs :
23 grams
Sugar :
2 grams
Fat :
2.3 grams

No Bake Oatmeal

P / C / F Ratio : 31 / 50 / 19
Tastes just like a No bake cookie ! Nutritionally Super Charged !


1 Servings
• 1 cup quick oats
• 1 tsp Krema all natural peanut butter
• 1 extreme choc . MetRx Pack
• 1 tsp Splenda
• 5 oz of 2 % milk
• Water for cooking the oats Preparation Instructions
Cook oats to your liking .( add a little more water to absorb the protein powder . Add the other ingredients saving the milk for last to get the desired thickness .
Nutrition Information
Per Serving
Calories :
Protein :
55 grams
Total Carbs :
86 grams
Sugar :
13 grams
Fat :
14.7 grams

Fun Facts MetRx was extra and laying around the house .... Other chocolate powders will work as well as you like the taste ... Super filling ...

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