Cottage Cakes
56 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen
P / C / F Ratio : 35 / 54 / 11
These are a cottage cheese pancake that are very tasty and work in both conditioning and fat burning , depending on your ratios .
4 Servings
• 1 TBSP Wheat germ
• 1 Cup Cottage cheese , low fat
• . 25 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
• . 5 Cup White Flour
• 1 Tsp Baking Powder
• 1 Tsp Splenda 1 Tsp Smart Balance Buttery Spread , melted
• 4 Egg Whites
• . 25 Cup Skim Milk
• 1 Tsp Cinnamon ( or choice of spice )
Preparation Instructions
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and mix until combined . Donʼt over process . Spoon onto a hot griddle sprayed with cooking spray . Turn once . whole egg and 3 whites . The Wheat Germ can be increased to . 25 cup if desired . The ratio of whole wheat to white can also be changed , but expect a heavier pancake with more whole wheat . These are great with low sugar jam or syrup .
Super Bagel
P / C / F Ratio : 19 / 56 / 25
Super Quick ! Super numbers Food on the Go !
1 Servings
• 1 Spartan Honey wheat Bagel
• 1 Tbs of Krema all Natural Peanut butter
Preparation Instructions
Apply Peanut butter to bagel after toasting , put in mouth , chew , swallow ... just kidding
Nutrition Information |
Per Serving |
Calories : |
162 |
Protein : |
14 grams |
Total Carbs : |
22 grams |
Sugar : |
3 grams |
Fat : |
1.9 grams |
Nutrition Information |
Per Serving |
Calories : |
345 |
Protein : |
17 grams |
Total Carbs : |
48 grams |
Sugar : |
4 grams |
Fat : |
9.5 grams |
Fun Facts You can make these the “ real ” way by using one
Fun Facts Krema
Peanut butter has higher Mono and Poly fats vs . sat fats , also NO SODIUM
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