54 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen
P / C / F Ratio : 37 / 54 / 9
Chicken & Cheese Breakfast
P / C / F Ratio : 42 / 50 / 8
OK , who remembers mixing Nestléʼs chocolate in your cereal for breakfast as a kid ? Well just substitute a scoop of chocolate protein powder and youʼve got a great breakfast that takes all of 30 seconds to fix .
1 Servings
• 2 cups Cheerios cereal
• 1.5 cups skim milk
• 1 scoop Precision Protein
Preparation Instructions
What instructions ? Just throw it all into a big bowl , mix it up and chow down !
“ Big ” breakfast that really satisfies
1 Servings
• 1 Multi vitamin / Mineral
• 1 / 2 cup Green Bell Pepper
• 1 / 4 Medium Onion
• 2 slices whole wheat toast
• 2 slices fat free cheese
• 1 / 4 seasoned , broiled chicken breast
• 5 Egg whites
Preparation Instructions
Sauté onion , bell pepper , and chicken . Add egg whites and serve over toast and cheese .
Nutrition Information |
Per Serving |
Calories : |
394 |
Protein : |
37 grams |
Total Carbs : |
55 grams |
Sugar : |
22 grams |
Fat : |
4.3 grams |
Nutrition Information |
Per Serving |
Calories : |
461 |
Protein : |
46 grams |
Total Carbs : |
55 grams |
Sugar : |
12 grams |
Fat : |
3.7 grams |
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