Apple Munchie
Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 53 by Brad Callen
P / C / F Ratio : 3 / 92 / 5
Quick fast dessert for a sweet tooth .
1 Servings
• 1 cup applesauce , unsweetened
• 1 graham cracker cinnamon to taste
Preparation Instructions
Heat the applesauce and cinnamon in the micro . Take it out and crumble the graham cracker over the top .
Nutrition Information
Per Serving
Calories : |
135 |
Protein : |
1 grams |
Total Carbs : |
33 grams |
Sugar : |
26 grams |
Fat : |
. 8 grams |
Egg and Rice Scramble
P / C / F Ratio : 25 / 68 / 5
Easy to make and cook . A good way to start the day , especially during fat burning .
1 Servings
• 1.5 cup Brown Rice
• 1 cup Egg Beaters
• 1 tsp Vanilla
• Splenda to taste ( I use about 2-3 tsp )
Preparation Instructions
Mix all the above ingredients together in a small bowl . Spray frying pan with a small amount of Pam ( I use butter flavor about 1 second spray ). Cook just like you would scrambled eggs . Eat Hot . Yummy !
Nutrition Information
Per Serving |
Calories : |
461 |
Protein : |
31 grams |
Total Carbs : |
85 grams |
Sugar : |
5 grams |
Fat : |
2.8 grams |
Fun Facts My Mom used to fix this for us when we had leftover rice from dinner the night before . I always felt like I was getting a special treat .
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