Roasted Red
46 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen
Pepper and Mushroom Egg White Omelet
P / C / F Ratio : 57 / 15 / 28
Easy egg white omelette - good source of protein , tastes great ! You can improve protein by adding more egg whites . Cut fat by omitting the cheese .
1 Servings
• 4 mushrooms sliced
• spray Pam
• 1 / 4 red pepper , roasted
• 4 egg whites
• 2 tbsp water
• . 5 tsp Mrs . Dash Herb and Garlic
• 1 oz low fat cheddar cheese ( optional )
Preparation Instructions
Mix egg whites , water and Mrs . Dash in bowl . Spray frying pan with Mrs . Dash and begin to sauté sliced mushrooms . After they begin to brown , add egg whites and swirl around pan . Cover and let cook for a minute . Remove cover , add roasted red peppers and sprinkle with cheese ( if using ). Cover and let cook additional couple of minutes . Check frequently . When no longer runny , flip one half over and serve . You can improve protein by adding more egg whites .
Nutrition Information Nutrition Information
Per Serving
Calories : |
174 |
Protein : |
25 grams |
Total Carbs : |
7 grams |
Sugar : |
4 grams |
Fat : |
5.4 grams |
Tasty Omelet
P / C / F Ratio : 57 / 24 / 19
Egg white omelette with spinach & mushroom filling
1 Servings
• 6 egg whites
• 15g parmesan cheese
• . 25 cup spinach ( defrosted from frozen )
• . 5 cup chopped mushrooms
• 1 / 2 tomato
Preparation Instructions
Saute mushrooms in a non-stick pan then add everything else and cook it up ! Serve on toast with low-fat cream cheese spread if you like .
Per Serving
Calories : |
213 |
Protein : |
31.0 grams |
Total Carbs : |
13.0 grams |
Sugar : |
6.0 grams |
Fat : |
4.5 grams |
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