Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 35


hard enough ? Itʼs easy . Say you are
Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 35 by Brad Callen
The Truth Behind Weight Training
There are several misconceptions that are found in the world of weight training .
Misconception # 1 working out your biceps ( arms ) and you are performing 3 sets of dumbbell curls . You are trying to perform 8 repetitions in each set . If , by the 3rd set you can still perform 8 repetitions you are not pushing yourself hard enough .
• One of these is that many believe the longer you workout , the stronger you will get .
This couldnʼt be farther from the truth . You see , as weʼre working out weʼre trying to slightly damage our muscle fibers by overloading them to the point of exhaustion .
Think of it this way . Say you break a bone in your hand . As your bone heals , it becomes surrounded by layers and layers of cartilage , thus making the bone thicker and stronger than it originally was . This is essentially what happens with weight training ; you work out to tear your muscles down .
Then you should rest an entire week for that particular muscle group . When itʼs time to work out that particular muscle again it will be firmer and stronger than the previous week . I donʼt want to get too scientific , but that is basically all that happens .
Very Important : You must workout hard enough to reach a point where your muscles begin to break down .
How will you know how hard is
The goal is by the last set you should be fatigued enough that you can do at most 7 repetitions For example , have you ever gone walking , jogging or played a game of basketball without having done that for a very long time ? I bet the next couple of days you were very sore . This is a sign that your muscles tore down while you were performing that activity .
During the program , you should always be sore for the next couple of days after weight training . If youʼre not then youʼll need to push yourself harder to see maximum results . The good thing about this is , Iʼll tell you exactly what days , which exercises , how many sets , how many repetitions you should perform . So all youʼll need to do is pick a weight that is appropriate for you and the rest will fall into place .
Misconception # 2
• Another misconception many people believe is that to lose weight you must eat less .
As you probably know , most people when they set out to lose weight ,
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