Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 34


34 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen

Weight Training

The final method of weight loss I would like to talk about is weight training . Yes , you can lose all the weight you want without weight training ; however , to totally reinvent your body you need to add this to your agenda .
I see so many people doing plenty of cardio exercise , and eating very well . They do end up losing some weight ; however , their overall body remains the same , minus the fat . You must add weight training if you want to change the actual shape of your body , and burn fat 24 hours a day , even while you REST !
You must remember this , if you decide to slack off on the cardio , then donʼt waste your time lifting weights . You will only get bulky . Iʼve seen this time and time again .
Itʼs a shame to see people spend so much time in the gym , but only to get more bulky and take on the appearance of a wrestler . You must not slack off on the cardio if you want to lose weight .
How Long Should I Spend in the Gym ?
There has been a very big debate as to how many days you should spend weight training . From many years of trial and error Iʼve found that 3 days of weight training is all you need to build muscle and lose fat . Granted , you must really push yourself during those three days to see maximum results .
Thatʼs why it is a must that we perform aerobic activity and weight train the correct way . The fact is , you donʼt have to be young and in great shape to walk into a gym . You donʼt have to be at some ultimate level of fitness before you can begin lifting weights . As long as youʼre healthy , you can and should do it . Donʼt feel stupid by walking into a weight room .
About 90 % of the people in weight rooms donʼt know what in the world theyʼre doing , they just act like it . After reading this you will be among the 10 % that do know whatʼs going on and people will be coming up to you asking YOU for advice .
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