Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 32


32 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen
This is why you should never eat large meals in the evening hours . You are more than likely not doing anything in the evening hours to burn off the calories . While you sleep , those calories you ate late that evening get stored as fat . Not a good thing . Now letʼs talk about the second most important meal of the day , the post-workout meal . Following exercise , the body has an elevated metabolic rate and elevated cortisol levels ; thus a lack of nutrients following exercise results in muscle-tissue breakdown .
Basically what this means is that you must ensure that you have plenty of fuel for your body directly after you finish working out ; if not , your body will simply search for other sources of fuel . Because there is no fuel in the form of food , your body will begin to break itself down , thus negating all the work youʼve put in at the gym .
So , make sure your post-workout meal is rich in protein and carbohydrates . Protein builds muscle and is the main fuel you will need to help your muscles recover and get stronger . Without protein your muscles have no fuel to recover . The optimal time frame to consume a protein rich meal , or protein shake is within 60-90 minutes following a workout . Other optimal times include directly before you go to sleep at night and first thing in the morning .

The Importance of Water

Another very important part of your diet will consist of drinking plenty of water . The number one benefit of water unbeknownst to most people is that drinking plenty of water can actually aid in weight loss .
Youʼre body actually requires more water to metabolize properly , and to maintain a healthy weight . A general rule is to drink two 8 ounce glasses of water before every meal .
What I usually do is fill up a glass of water and drink it while cooking my meal . Then fill up the same glass again and drink it with my meal . This will ensure that
you are getting an adequate amount of water each day . If you do this , you will also notice you wonʼt be as hungry during each meal .
I canʼt stress the importance of water enough . Not only does water aid you in weight loss but there are so many benefits of water that so many people overlook .
Some of these benefits include :
• Keeping headaches from occurring
• Reduces infections
• Keeps up your concentration
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