Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 31


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 31 by Brad Callen
Mono-unsaturated fats The “ good fats ”. They are found to lower your blood cholesterol level . This kind of fat raises HDL ( good cholesterol ) and lowers LDL ( bad cholesterol ).
You can find this kind of fat in :
• canola
• Peanut
• olive oils try your best to stay away from :
• fried foods
• poultry skin
• bacon
• sausage
• candy
• cheese
• salad dressings
• gravy
• processed foods
Itʼs best to use these in place of butter when cooking .
Poly-unsaturated fat This kind of fat is found mainly in vegetable oils , except tropical oils like coconut and palm oils . This type of fat is thought to lower both HDL ( good cholesterol ) and LDL ( bad cholesterol ).
You should limit this to less than 30 % of your daily fat intake . A simple principle that is used to tell if a fat is good or bad is whether or not it is solid at room temperature . If it is , then itʼs most likely unhealthy .
For example , a stick of butter and a few others are solid at room temperature and contain unhealthy fats . However , others like sesame , and canola oils are liquid at room temperature and are healthy fats .
You should consume about one tablespoon worth of healthy fats each day .
The following are foods you should
A relatively unknown fact is that most processed foods in stores are stripped of all fiber and many other nutrients . Because they lack fiber they tend to not be filling , so people have the tendency to eat more and more processed foods in one sitting .

Most Important Meals

Do you know what the two most important meals of the day are for dieters ? The two most important meals are breakfast and your post-workout meal . In theory , you should eat your biggest meal in the morning and smallest in the evening .
The reason being , your metabolic rate is accelerated in the morning and slows down in the evening . Youʼre body is more likely to use the calories from breakfast throughout the day , instead of storing them as fat .
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