Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 30


30 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen
• baked potato
• whole wheat bread
• multigrain bars
• oatmeal
Note : ( Each gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories )
The Following foods are excellent vegetables :
• Green beans
• Celery
• Corn
• Cauliflower
• Mushrooms
• Beats
• Pumpkin
• Tomato
• Carrots
• Lettuce
• Cabbage
• Cucumber
• brussel sprouts
Note : ( vegetables are very low in calories and have no fat )
You should pick an item from each of the 3 categories to make up a meal . You should eat 5 to 6 small meals each day . Yes , I did say 5 to 6 SMALL meals .
As I stated above , one of the 3 ways to increase your metabolism is by eating smaller , more frequent meals throughout the day . It sounds crazy , but it really does work . You will want to space out the meals evenly throughout the day ; planning a meal about every three hours .
Remember , a meal consists of 1 item from each category in the chart above . If you do this , not only will your metabolism speed up , but so will your energy level and youʼll never be hungry during the day .
It sounds pretty easy , doesnʼt it ? Well it really is . Now , I know what some of you may be thinking . Healthy foods taste so bland and boring . Take a look back at the list and Iʼm sure youʼll reconsider . Much of the foods in the chart are ones you probably already include in your diet .
Arenʼt Fats Bad ?
You should also include healthy fat into your diet . Each gram of fat contains 9 calories . Youʼre probably thinking that all fat is bad . Well , believe it or not , it isnʼt .
There are three types of fats :
• saturated fats
• mono-unsaturated fats
• and poly-unsaturated fats
Saturated Fats Saturated fats are the bad fats . These are the fats that cause peoples arties to get clogged . Itʼs the fat found in butter , margarine , or shortening . Stay away from these as best as you can .
Granted , a little , and I mean , very little amount of butter on some of your foods wonʼt hurt , but donʼt pile on the butter .
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