Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 29


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 29 by Brad Callen

Proper Diet

The third method of weight loss is proper dieting . This in itself is the most overlooked part of weight loss programs .
Many people believe that if you either A . Take lots of diet pills or B . Exercise your behind off in the gym , you will lose weight . This is simply not the case if your eating habits arenʼt much better than just good .
The old saying , “ You are what you eat ” really holds true with weight loss . It took me 7 years to figure this out . The reason you see amazing before and after pictures of people in magazines and on television are because in their before picture their diets are so poor that they look very bad in their before picture .
Many times the people are actually working out with weights and are performing aerobic exercise thinking they can eat whatever they want because they are exercises on a daily basis .
For many of us this is simply not the case at all . By eating healthy , I donʼt mean eating 3 times a day from the four food groups like you learn in Elementary School . You need to follow a very strict meal plan to increase your metabolism which is what you need to do to lose weight permanently .
What Can I Eat ?
The following are foods that are great in nutritional value . If your diet consists of these foods , you will have absolutely no problem changing your physique .
The Following foods are excellent sources of protein :
• chicken breast
• turkey
• lean ground beef
• cottage cheese
• tuna
• egg whites
• baked fish ( salmon , cod , trout , bass )
• lobster
• skim milk
• beef tenderloin
• pork Note : ( Each gram of protein contains 4 calories )
The Following foods are excellent sources of carbohydrates :
• Rice ( brown , white )
• fruits ( apple , orange , banana )
• pasta
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