Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 209


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 209 by Brad Callen

Arnold Press

What to do :

This exercise is best if done sitting on an exercise ball instead of a bench . Sit down on an exercise ball and hold a dumbbell in one hand in front of you . Hold with the palm facing you and about a 90 degree angle in your elbow . Lift the dumbbell up in the air straightening your arm . Do all the repetitions on one arm and then do the other . Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down . This exercise was made famous by Arnold S c h w a r - z e n e g g e r with one m o d i f i c a - tion . Arnold would twist his arm as he pressed the dumbbell in the air so that the palm would be facing the front by the time you extend the arm fully . We have just taken out the twist .

Muscles worked :
Front shoulder


Don ’ t Forget to :
Only let your arm come down to the point that your elbow is about the level of your shoulder .
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