Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 207


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 207 by Brad Callen

Multi Hip : Inner Thigh

What to do :

Stand on the platform of the multi-hip machine . Adjust the arm of the machine so that it is down at about the 7:00 oʼclock position ( when doing your left leg ) and about the 5:00 oʼclock position ( when doing your right leg ). Put your inner thigh against the arm of the machine . While holding on to the handle bars adduct your leg ( that is move the leg away towards and across your body ) as shown . Exhale as you move the leg in and inhale as you return to the start position .


Don ’ t Forget to :
Try hard to stand as vertical as possible . Avoid leaning over away from the direction of your moving leg . That is , donʼt lean left when using your left leg or lean right when using your right leg .

✔ glutes

Muscles worked :
Muscles of the inner thigh ( hip adductor muscles ) and some
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