Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 199


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 199 by Brad Callen

Wall Sitting

What to do :

Don ’ t Forget to :
Donʼt cheat by pushing on your thighs with your hands .
All you need is a wall . Place your back up against the wall . Suck your abdominal muscles in tight and lower yourself so that your rear is at the same level as your knees . Point your feet straight and hold this position . Stay there from 10-60 seconds de-


p e n d - ing on y o u r f i t n e s s level .

✔ Wall Marching

What to do :

Muscles worked :
This exercise is a step up from wall sitting . Place your back up against the wall . Suck your abdominal muscles in tight and lower yourself so that your rear is at the same level as your knees . Next you want to march by lifting the left knee along with the opposite ( right arm ) and then switching . Trust us , this is much


Don ’ t Forget to :
Donʼt slide up and down the wall while marching . Do your best to keep your back stationary on the wall .
Muscles worked :
Quads , hamstrings , glutes
harder than it looks and will work your lower body very well .
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