Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 189


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 189 by Brad Callen

Fast Squats

What to do :

This exercise is just like the slow squats except of course you are going to go fast and not slow . Grab your hands in the front of your body like shown .


Don ’ t Forget to :
Have a slight arch in your back as you go up and down . Donʼt bounce , keep your toes & heels on the floor . Also , when you bend over be sure not to use too much upper body . All of the motion should be in your legs . This is done by bending at the knees . It is easy to cheat when you go down by just bending your torso over . Avoid this . Donʼt bow your knees in or out , keep them right over your feet .
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and your feet pointed straight ahead . Either have a partner time you or perform this exercise with a clock having a second hand in view . As fast as you can squat up and down . Bring your rear so that is about the level of your knees or slightly lower on the bottom part of the squat . On the top part of the squat stand almost completely up . For beginners go as fast as you can for about 15-30 seconds . If you are up for a challenge then do the squats for a full minute .

Muscles worked :
Mostly quads . Also hamstrings and glutes
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