Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 101



Tangy Roasted

Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 101 by Brad Callen

Asparagus and Portobello Mushrooms

P / C / F Ratio : 37 / 58 / 5 to the point of removing yellow color , Do Not grate into white portion of rind ). Loosely cover with tin foil that you have cut a few holes in . Bake for approx . 20 minutes , then mix in Portobello Mushrooms , and continue to bake for another 10-15 minutes or until Asparagus is tender .
Get to know your oven ! You are probably used to sautéing asparagus , but baking it , covered in foil , with spices keeps it low fat and saturates it with tons of flavor


4 Servings
• 1 lbs Fresh Asparagus Spears
• 4 oz Fresh Portobello Mushrooms ( chopped )
• Balsamic Vinegar to taste
• Chopped Garlic to taste
• Dried 0regano to taste
• Dried Basil to taste
• Lemon Zestto taste
Preparation Instructions
Preheat oven to 350 degrees . Clean and snap Asparagus Spears at most tender point . ( Helpful Hint -Never cut Asparagus with a knife , instead hold each end of spear and bend , Asparagus will automatically break at the most tender point , use only the tip portion .) Place tips in a shallow oven safe dish . Lightly sprinkle with Oregano , Basil , Chopped Garlic ( 1 Tbs per I bundle of Asparagus ), Balsamic Vinegar ( 3-4 Tbs per I bundle of Asparagus ), and Lemon Zest ( Using a cheese grater , rub Lemon only
Nutrition Information
Per Serving
Calories :
Protein :
4 grams
Total Carbs :
6 grams
Sugar :
3 grams
Fat :
. 2 grams

Fun Facts For centuries , asparagus was considered a luxury and praised for its distinctive flavor by such famous figures as Julius Caesar , Louis XIV and Thomas Jefferson . It is well-known for its ability to give your urine a unique smell . This fact was parodied in the recent movie “ Austin Powers--Gold member .”

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