Vol. 1 No. 1
By Sossity Tullsong
ow that the veil has lifted, we
see the new land. It’s been
16 days since the release of
The Big D. Many of us have
attained level 95, many of us are still
struggling with the changes. We have to
keep in mind, however, that we *are* a
raiding kin.
in a series of articles on Helm’s Deep.
This edition, I’ll focus on the Epic Battles
Role: Engineer. Because, *everyone*
wants to shoot catapults at orcs, right?
That said, what about all the mystery
behind how the new Epic Battles work?
What gameplay options are there? How
do the controls work? “I’m level 35,
what does it mean to me?” I can hear
those and a million other unasked questions.
Update 12: Helm’s Deep introduce s a
new “game mechanic” -- the Epic Battle.
(Also referred to as Big Battles.) The Epic
Battles are accessed via the Road to Battle panel or the Instance Finder.
Before we start on engineer, however,
some info on the Epic Battles in general
is appropriate.
There are 5 instances. All can be played
by any character Level 10 and higher.
I have a not small number of similar
All are available to be run Solo or Duo,
questions, myself. So, with the goal of
and three of them can be run in larger
learning what I can while bringing you
sized groups. The Solo/Duo category is
the information available, This is the first combined, denoting the equal difficulty
WayBound 28
when entering Solo or Duo.
Helm’s Dike
The Deeping Wall
The Deeping Coomb
The Glittering Caves
The Hornburg
Solo/Duo, 6
Solo/Duo, 12
Solo/Duo, 3
Character Upscaling
The Battle for Helm’s Deep utilizes a
new feature called Character Upscaling.
When you join an instance in the Battle
for Helm’s Deep we scale your character’s stats and skills to level 95. Your
equipment is scaled as well, with the
level differential between you and the
equipment being maintained through
the upscaling.