Crafting in Helm’s Deep
By Nair
rafting in Helms Deep, as anyone that crafts a lot will have
noticed, has changed in certain
ways. They made it much easier to level and master each tier of crafting. If you’re new or old to crafting this
will be a good article for you to read.
For the older crafters what has changed
is they have added obsolete items in
that you can take and get the material
you used to make them turned back into
that material. We have three levels now
low quality, medium quality and high
quality ore.
If you’re new, when we say tier it just
means the level you’re on. Apprentice
of course is tier 1 and it goes up from
You use low quality to make medium
and then you take the medium and
make the high quality ore. Instead of
those millions of little things you had to
make to make one item now you just
need to make the proper quality of ore.
We have guilded and non guilded crafters. Guilded crafters can make symbols
to gain rep in their respective crafting
guild of which you can only pick one per
Vol. 1 No. 1
In a way this is nice and also more annoying cause now we spend more money on wax and coal. Although anyone
that has as many crafters as I do now
Being guilded just allows you to make
notices they have alot more bank space
really good items that most people want available although im sure also like me
over the regular crafted stuff. It also althat will be filled up with more materials
lows you to use symbols instead of those lol.
dreaded scholar journals that you can
just wait from not getting a crit.
This is just a basic run through of chang-
es and interesting little tid bits about
crafting in general. I am working on a
intro to crafting guide and also a more in
depth crafting guide those however take
a little longer to put out and type up so
this is to just wet your pallet.
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