Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine June 2014 Vol 13 | Page 41

There are more activities than just the rock crawling though. There is the spotter challenge race where all of the team spotters line up and when the green flag dropped they all sprint up the longest steepest obstacle. First one to the top wins, and it was steep enough that it went on for almost 10 minutes before someone was able to inch their way to the peak for the W! There’s also a lawn mower race. Bring your favorite grass clipping machine with the mowing deck removed. It may seem like a joke, but there was bumping, pushing, and even a wreck at the beginning of the race! These guys, gals, and kids are serious about their lawn mower racing. Good fun for all ages! This was not one of those high speed lawn mower races that you may have heard about. Just stock tractors looking for bragging rights! After some trash talk, and 5 laps around the course, the champ and runner up were a husband and wife team that can only be identified as the Viking crew! June 2014 41