Walking On, Volume 9, Issue 6, August 2022 | Page 22

WHOA staff the same delicious fare for dinner . What a wonderful treat . WHOA feeds its staff the absolute best courtesy of Rowdy Ranch , Big Tony , Sonya and Carol . The WHOA staff lapped it up ! On to the parties —— DGS had a surprise Bridal Shower for Victoria Kalosis and Michael Jamison , both employees of DGS . These two hard working young folks are very well liked and respected as was evidenced by their many admirers who dropped by to give the happy couple their best wishes for the future . Right around the corner from the DGS party was the Barr Studio Annual Party . Jennifer and Marty Barr honor their many customers with an exhibitors party following the show on Maiden night . The line to taste the delicious bounty was long but the wait was worth it ! All kinds of food for any and every one who wanted to partake . Thank you Barr Studios !
Day 7 Thursday and we are headed to the Championship classes tomorrow ! Great news , we received a call that Tommy was being released from the hospital ! Patsy Newberry and I made a flying trip to the hospital to take him home . Tommy looked SO MUCH BETTER
And now for the rest of the show . The perennial driving champion , The Caterpillar with trainer , Zack Parsons handling the reins was once again named Flat Shod Driving Champion . Congrats to this pair as they performed flawlessly .
Keith Johnson rode Granted Parole to the Country Pleasure Classic Riders 60 and Over victory with a flawless performance . How can Keith be age eligible for this class ? It was just a minute he and I were going head to head in the SSHBEA show rings and he was just a baby !
Close to the end of the show came a class that electrified the crowd . The Speed Racking Class brought the audience to their feet wildly cheering their favorite as that little bay horse , Willard ’ s Smokin Gun smoked the competition . He was pickin ‘ em up and laying ‘ em down so fast he was a blur . Don ’ t know if anyone remembers the great Speck from years gone by but his action reminded me of days long ago and the speedy little Speck . This class was worked 3 times and just kept bringing it ! Not a single racking horse backed up nor gave out . IT was so thrilling and exciting !
Again proving our breed is naturally smooth , the last class of the night was Flat Shod Bareback Amateur ! A Major Jose with Sydney Deal on his bare back won the filled class . Not a rider was upset !
Day 8
Center ring was all gussied up in anticipation of The Maiden finals . Jodi , Co Chair looked lovely in a short black dress with a lace overlay . Equally lovely was Rhonda Martocci in a white off-the-shoulder dress . Both ladies are lovely as well as capable . Extra help tonight in the form of the USDA . The long awaited and eagerly anticipated Maiden finals were here . Don ’ t know IF I mentioned but this class has THE largest payback of any flat shod pleasure class in our history !!! The winning ride / horse combo will exit the ring with a check for $ 25,000.00 !!!! All 30 of the qualifying Maiden entries walked into the ring one by one and the show was on !
The excitement died down after the Maiden horses exited the ring , however the classes that followed were well filled . The All Day Pleasure Junior Horses English / Western Amateur had 16 talented entries . John Wick exited with the blue with a happy Renee Stasiewicz making the good ride . Another big class was the Country Pleasure Novice Horse / Novice Rid-
Photographers Jennifer and Marty Barr . The Barr Studios Party is always a highlight of the International .
22 • Walking On
A surprise Bridal Shower was held in honor of Michael Jamison and Victoria Kalosis of Dickie Gardner Stables .