Walking On, Volume 9, Issue 6, August 2022 | Page 21

Dennis & Susan Hills with newly crowned champion Buckardi and Jessica Mast .
crowd is eager to see these unshown two year old Trail Pleasure Horses
Everyone is focused on the qualifying classes of The Maiden . Several horses have been drawing interest and talk for weeks in middle Tennessee . I guess we , the spectators have been “ pre-judging ” these entries in out minds . Will they be as good as the talk that has filled the “ meat & three diners , the coffee shops , the barns , etc or will other horses we have not heard about deliver the goods and catch our attention causing new front runners in the spectators eyes ? Tomorrow night we shall know !!! Can ’ t wait for this class . I must brag on The International DQP staff and again , Allie and Kelly in the paddock area . They are keeping the classes moving by getting the horses into the ring in a speedy manner . At several shows I attended this summer the time between the gate call and the horses entering the ring was as much as 5 to 8 minutes per class ! Very boring for spectators and very time consuming to the show . Kudos to the WHOA DQPs and paddock masters all year long .
The International is blessed with classes filled with nice walking horses from all across these United States such as : Arizona , California , Florida , Georgia , Kentucky , Indiana , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri , New Jersey , North Carolina , Ohio , Pennsylvania , Virginia , South Carolina , Tennessee , Texas , and Wisconsin . And one first time exhibitor from Israel ! Not only are numerous states present but the coats of the horses have changed over the years as well . In years past black was the only or preferred color . Now the ring is bursting with colorful coated horses . Eye catching sorrels with light manes and tails , silver , gray or roan ( whatever you choose to call the color it is pretty ) spots of-all patterns and colors and an occasional bay ( my fav color ). Makes the show ring interesting AND the riders choice
Linda Starnes and granddaugther Hannah Starnes emjoying some warm up time .
of attire to coordinate with their horses is astonishing . In some classes I swear a person might need sunglasses Downright gorgeous .
Day 6
The lovely Kelly Querrey opened the night of THE MAIDEN performance with her rendition of the National Anthem . Her voice is also beautiful . We are so fortunate to have such talented and beautiful ladies opening our shows !
The long awaited night of the 4 qualifying classes of The Maiden Classes . The Miller Coliseum is filled with eager horse lovers waiting to see if their favorite will live up to their pre-conceived or pre-judged criteria . Some exceeded the criteria , some were just ok and some did not live up to the hype . The Maiden event is covered in another section in the magazine devoted entirely to this one of a kind event . It certainly provided enough talent to give the spectators a chance to talk of nothing else until Friday . Horses performances on this night have changed minds , changed riders , changed owners and given all of us new prospectives . Friday night is going to be AWESOME !!!!! Place your bets as lots can happen between tonight and the final !
Classes appeared to be lighter than usual . Might be due to the fact that many of tonight ’ s classes . Yes our wonderful breed can still display a smooth rolling canter or lope . I wish more trainers would teach their horses and their riders to canter as it is such a beautiful gait .
Tonight was “ party night ”! The parties started with a pre-show party for The Maiden Owners & Exhibitors . Rowdy Ranch had ribeye steaks and “ those ” potatoes cooked to perfection along with a delicious salad plus tasty desserts . What a great way for the Maiden exhibitors to start the night . Rowdy Ranch provided the