Walking On, Volume 9, Issue 6, August 2022 | Page 19

Speaking of saving the day what in the world would we do without the efficient office crew , plus “ our ” Tommy Hall who always manages to solve all the problems . Very pleased with the show so far .
Day 3
The Tennessee Walking Horse is a naturally gaited animal . This was brought to our attention as the gorgeous weanlings entered the ring , striding and nodding their pretty little heads . The Nelms stables dominated the Weanling division winning all but the Weanling Colts Open which Jesse Dotson claimed with I Am Luther James and Weanling Amateur Handler with Rachel Dorris leading Lady Omavol for Lisa & Rick Atnip .
Avery Smith and his capable crew had set up center ring between the morning and afternoon sessions . The center ring looked beautiful . Avery does a wonderful job of landscaping . I loved the grasses at the end next to the exit gate but was unable to find anyone who could identify them for me as I wanted to purchase some .
Night 3
Jennifer Barr opened the night by singing our National Anthem . Jennifer has a lovely voice and we are blessed to have her open our evening performances . Her voice is truly lovely . Dewayne Cartee provided the organ music which is so essential to keep the show lively and the audience entertained . A big thanks to Dewayne also for his music .
The paddock staff , Allie and Kelly are doing a tremendous job of getting the horses in one by one , thus giving center ring a chance to count the many entries AND the audience to see each horse showcased as the first horse in goes all the way around the ring . They
don ’ t stop and bunch up . So proud of these riders showing their horses . The classes have been filled to with really talented entries . Keep em coming ! We are loving it !! Averaging over 200 entries per day !
Day 4
I am soooo confused as our schedule has changed and 4 H Day is usually on Tuesday but this year it is Monday !! Skipping a day blurred my mind !
4 H day is usually crammed full of children from all surrounding states . This year due to other 4H Shows the entries were lighter than usual but the participants were just as talented as in the past . I am open to suggestions as to how to increase 4 H involvement . Please if you have ideas text or email any ideas to increase 4 H entries . Once again Victoria Kalosis made an extra item to be given to the 4 H winners , this year it was very useful tail bags . Thank you Victoria ( soon to be Mrs . Michael Jamison ) for your support of our youth .
Night 4
The opening class of All Day Pleasure OAT Western Horses had 23 entries ! The . All Day Pleasure classes plus the Country Pleasure classes are filled to capacity on this Monday night . The Trail Pleasure classes are not as full , plenty of entries but not jammed like the other two divisions . I would appreciate your input on this . It ’ s been a great night of excellent horses . The Judges ; Shannon Gibbs , Shelly McHaffey and Ronnie Sapp are doing a terrific job with these big classes . Tomorrow we don ’ t start until 4 pm letting staff sleep in to rest up for the evening performance . WHOOP WHOOP !!
The addition of Spotted Saddle Horse Classes a few years ago proved to be a successful move . The Spotted Saddle Classes were well filled and these horses entered
Capping off a very successful show , Kylie Duvall rode A Confession to the Youth Best In Show title for Phylis Langley .
Maiden victor Imagine Dragons with trainer Hannah Myatt and breeder Dr . Jana Anderson .