Waldensian Review 142 Summer 2023 WR_142 | Page 7

formation for the English guided tours . I found this rewarding and interesting and I quickly learnt a lot about the Waldensians ! I enjoyed discussing this new knowledge with all the international visitors . In both the Liceo and the museum , I was struck by the strong sense of community . This was particularly emphasised by the inauguration of the cobblestone for Jacopo Lombardini in April . This was a very moving ceremony , led by members of Class V , which took place in the Synod Hall of Casa Valdese . During my time in Torre Pellice , I attended the Tempio Valdese there , and also the one in Angrogna , where I had the privilege of playing the organ for the Pentecost Sunday service . I enjoyed
Jenni in front of the Waldensian Museum in Torre Pellice .
attending services that were different to my normal ones , and how much of the sermons I understood was a good way of measuring my Italian progress ! I feel very privileged to have had such an enriching experience in such a beautiful place . I have grown in confidence and independence and have found a new place and community which I will always look forward to returning to .
Jenni Buss
This is the project we recently supported :
Communication Project
During the ecclesiastical year 2022-2023 , the ‘ Youth and evangelization in the Waldensian Valleys ’ project was taken up again , slightly reworked , together with the involved subjects : RBE Radio-TV and Riforma-L ’ Eco delle Valli Valdesi . The main objective was to create an opportunity for the young people