Waldensian Review 142 Summer 2023 WR_142 | Page 8

of the first District , to get in touch with the realities that deal with communication within the Protestant context , but also to give voice to the content that these young people wish to express , through the means of radio , video and journalistic writing .
The group at Villa Olanda , outside Radio Beckwith Evangelica . Photo : S . Revel
All Waldensian churches in the first District were invited to encourage their youth ’ s participation . The first two meetings were held on 20 March and 3 April 2023 , when the youngsters visited the editorial offices of Riforma and RBE ; respectively seven and six young people took part and they were mainly coming from Val Pellice and Pinerolo . With those who attended the second meeting , we collected ideas and availability for the next stages of the process , which will continue in the next summer months ( when they will be less busy with the school ). The youngsters will work in smaller groups on their different ideas , supported by the professionals of the two involved realities .
Although the heyday of the Italian colporteurs ( colportori ) was the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , the figure of the itinerant evangelist / Bible- / book-distributor had been significant within the Waldensian ( Italian Protestant ) Church since mediaeval times when they were known as Barba [‘ uncle ’ in dialect ].