Waldensian Review 142 Summer 2023 WR_142 | Page 6

not only for Angrogna but for all our valleys and beyond . During this time , I was also asked to participate in the meditations of RBE ( Radio Beckwith Evangelica ) ‘ L ’ ascolto che ci unisce ’ [‘ The listening that unites us ’], and still linked to RBE I also celebrated some services that were then streamed with the programme ‘ Il culto evangelico ’ [‘ Protestant Worship ’]. Most recently , I also had the pleasure of going on a trip with the Angrogna choir to Padua , where we met the local Methodist community and sang together with the Ghanaian choir from Vicenza . It was a lovely experience of meeting and witnessing each other ’ s history and faith , although I confess that I still struggle with the hymns , which are mostly in French or Occitan .
Now that we have come to the summer season , the activities have decreased , but the services in the retirement homes and visits continue . In Angrogna , summer camps have begun at the Ca ’ d ’ la Pais , which are attended not only by inhabitants of Angrogna but also by young people from all over the valleys . The camps are organised by age group and the aim is always to have a theme that will later be useful to the youngsters throughout their lives . The topic chosen this year for all age groups is that of human rights , and I will be involved with the teenage group , which will take place towards the beginning of August .
Many thanks to all of you at The Waldensian Church Missions for being close to me during this entire period , and for the support and sympathy you continue to show me through Erica and Richard . May the Lord bless you .
My Time in Torre Pellice
For the past two and a half months I volunteered in Torre Pellice at the Liceo Valdese and the Waldensian Cultural Foundation . This was a gap-year trip that I had been planning for a while with the help of Erica . I was very excited for it and it was everything I hoped it would be ! Although I was very nervous at the beginning as I had never gone on such a trip alone , I soon found my feet , helped along by all the kind people that welcomed me into their workplaces and lives . I found that Torre Pellice was a place that made me feel very peaceful and the opportunity to meet different people in a different place , using a new language , gave me room to be myself and a new-found confidence . My work in the Liceo consisted of helping Shalya , the secretary , in her work there and also helping teach the younger children English . I was also very kindly given the opportunity to sit in on some lessons to help improve my Italian , and accompany the older classes on some of their school trips ( which included the Museo del Cinema in Turin !). This allowed me to make friends with students my age – friendships that I hope I will maintain for a very long time . The other aspect of my volunteering work was at the Waldensian Museum in Torre Pellice . I mainly worked in the bookshop , but also in the ‘ Barba ’ offices , collating in-