Waldensian Review 142 Summer 2023 WR_142 | Page 5

And here is news from Kassim Conteh :
My training in Angrogna has not yet reached one year , but I have had the privilege of making many experiences during these 9 months in the Waldensian Valleys . Guided by the pastor of Luserna San Giovanni Elisabeth Loeh , since October I slowly became part of the community life . By December the progress seemed to be on the right track , when suddenly my life was disrupted by the unexpected departure of my mother . Returning in February after the funeral in Sierra Leone was for me like starting all over again , like having to learn how to walk again . It was not only getting reacquainted with the environment and the members , but also regaining new energy and stimulation that such a significant loss takes away .
In my second life here in Angrogna , if I can call it so , things started to go more smoothly again around March . Gradually the energies returned and this led me to bond with the community again , which never stopped being close to me . I slowly started to take over and manage the church activities and had
Confirmations in Angrogna
the privilege of leading the Easter service which involved the confirmation and baptism of boys and girls in the fourth year of catechism . It was very exciting for me as it was the first time ever to baptise and confirm someone .
In the period following my second arrival , in addition to catechism and Sunday school , I also had the pleasure of conducting services in retirement homes in our area , taking part in wedding ceremonies , making a few pastoral visits , and unfortunately also celebrating a few funerals – we especially remember Guido Odin and Toti Rochat , who were two very important figures