between the Waldensian Church of Riesi , the Parish of San Giovanni Bosco of Riesi , the Diocesan Vocations Office , Youth Pastoral and Italian Catholic Action .
Prayer in the Ecumenical Group .
With the new year , the tradition of ‘ andacht ’ [‘ meditation ’] together with the employees of Servizio Cristiano [ the Christian Service ] every Monday morning also started again . The andacht consists of Bible reading and meditation , an intercessory prayer and the Lord ’ s Prayer said aloud by all present . The andacht is also a symbolically important moment because it sometimes happens that diaconal works get busy with ‘ service ’ and forget the Word of God and shared prayer . It is important for churches and diaconal works to remember ( and put into practice ) that both have the task of proclaiming the Gospel ... but they do it in different ways . In Riesi , also thanks to the appointment of the new director of the Riesi Christian Service Wojje Nedzewicz , this unity is being rediscovered .
The proclamation of the Gospel is like a prism : one is the Gospel , but many are the ‘ colours ’ with which it manifests itself . May the Lord sustain us in the proclamation of his Word .
Giovanni Bernardini