Underwater ruins of a large Roman city were found off the northeastern coast of Tunisia.

The city was destroyed by a tsunami about 1,600 years ago and was lost under the waves. Archeologists determined that the newly-discovered remains are that of Neapolis. The tsunami was recorded my many ancient sources because it also hit Alexandria and the Island of Crete;

archaeologists believe that the tsunami hit Neapolis on July 21, 365 B.C. Archaeologists discovered much about Neapolis with all the ruins. They found over 100 tanks that were used in

the making of garum, a fermented fish sauce, which proves, along with other ancient remains, that the city was a major center for the production of garum and salt fish. The city stood for almost 900 years, with its creation in the 5 th century B.C. The city sided with Carthage during the 3rd Punic War (149-146B.C.), so the Romans took control of the city with their defeat and destruction of Carthage. Mounir Fantar and his team of archaeologists began the search for the remains of Neapolis back in 2010, but finally found them in the summer of 2017. Ruins of other ancient cities nearby have been covered up by modern settlement in Nabeul, Tunisia.

Ancient Roman Excavation

By Matthew Warden

Above: Summit students serve the community at Make a Difference Day

Below: Summit students walk at the Out of Darkness Walk for suicide prevention.