Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 185

incurred by GSWPA or the troop relating to the delinquent payment will be included, such as fees added for insufficient funds and/or other fees charged by the bank or financial institution. *Missing troop/group funds will be treated as property of Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania and will fall under the same procedures as all outstanding debt owed to GSWPA. Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania will work in accord with troops/groups whom have had funds stolen, and Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania may act on a troop’s behalf in pursuing all outstanding funds owed to them until those funds are returned in full to the troop.*   If payment is not received by the due date listed on the aforementioned letter, there are two options for pursuing payment. These options cannot be conducted simultaneously. Option #1 GSWPA will attempt collection through a final registered letter outlining the debt and a new payment due date. The letter will also indicate that if contact or payment is not made by a given date, the matter will be turned over to a collections agency for processing. Option #2 The troop/group leader and or service unit team members can proceed with legal action. The locality of the theft will dictate the course of actions involved in legal proceedings. Membership staff and/or other GSWPA staff members can help to support legal proceedings as necessary. *Parent/guardian/girl debt to a troop/group that is not reported to GSWPA as such will be assumed as troop debt. Troop/Group Debt Leaders of troops/groups who have not paid their product sales debt to the Council will be sent a registered letter by GSWPA’s Product Sales Department. This letter will outline the total amount of money owed. All fees incurred by GSWPA or the troop relating to the delinquent payment will be included, such as fees added for insufficient funds and/or other fees charged by the bank or financial institution. GSWPA staff members will contact the troop/group leader to determine the reason for the delinquent payment.    If unreported parent/guardian/girl debt is the cause of the troop debt, the steps listed above will be enacted to recover the parent debt. If suspected misappropriation of troop funds exists, please refer to GSWPA’s Suspected Misappropriation of Troop Funds procedure. If a confirmed case of misappropriation of funds exists, please refer to GSWPA’s Confirmed Misappropriation of Troop/Group Funds procedure. Troop/Group lead volunteers are the stewards of all troop/group funds and will be held personally responsible if such funds are mismanaged and/or misappropriated. 181