Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 186

1. All money-earning activities which support Girl Scout troops/groups members are meant to be girl led learning opportunities. Girls are to have a part in the money-earning process from initial planning through evaluation. 2. All money earning activities must be approved prior to major planning steps (scheduling, ordering supplies, publicizing, etc…). 3. No money-earning projects will be conducted during council-sponsored sales dates. Girls may not raise additional funds between the months of October-November and January-March. 4. Troops must participate in all council-sponsored sales during the time they are registered to qualify for extra money-earning approval. 5. Returning or re-registering troops must participate in both MagNut and Cookie product sales in order to participate in additional money earning activities. 6. Daisy Girl Scouts and Indie Girl Scouts may not participate in additional money-earning activities. 7. Girl Scout Brownie and Junior troops, with prior written approval from the council, may hold one extra money-earning activity in one membership year. 8. Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors, with prior written approval from the council, may hold extra money-earning activities. 9. Girl Scout Junior – Ambassador troops/groups with very specific needs for additional fundraisers may request additional opportunities beyond what is listed above. However, to be considered, the troop/group must have participated in both the MagNut and Cookie sale programs and have met the per girl average. Activities should tie to GS Journies, badges or GSWPA/GSUSA initiatives. Activities must be communicated and approved in advance by the service unit manager or GSWPA membership staff. 10. Travel clubs may participate in the council sponsored product sales and additional money-earning activities. 11. The leader must involve all members of the troop/group in all stages of planning, including girl and parent/guardian expectations, how funds will be used and logistics. 12. Permission is obtained in writing from a girl's parent/guardian before she is permitted to participate in troop money-earning or council-sponsored sale. Parents/guardians accept full financial responsibility when they sign the permission slip. 13. Under no circumstances will troop/group funds be distributed to any individual in cash or used for any activity other than a Girl Scout approved activity. 182