VJCL Winter Forum 2024 (6) | Page 5

Maddox Johnson - 2nd Vice President

Hey Everyone i ’ m Maddox Johnson and I am your 2nd VP ! I hope to continue VA ’ s legacy as a top spirit performer and run a great service project ! If you have any personal questions or suggestions please send me a DM on instagram @ maddoxjohnson _ 22 . Looking forward to a great year !

Josh Kohm - Parlimentarian

Salvete Barbies , ego sum tuorum MMXIII-MMXXIV ParliKENtarian Josh Kohm . I ’ m currently an IB Latin Student at Thomas Edison High School in Fairfax County , and I ’ m super excited to serve as your Parliamentarian this year . I have played history ( the best category ) for the Virginia State certamen team each of the last two years , and have attended the National Conventions at University of Louisiana Lafayette and Emory University . Outside of the VJCL , I umpire youth baseball , serve as the Director of Finance for my school ' s Model UN club , and root for the Yankees ( the best team ). If you ever want to find me , I ’ ll be at every Certamen competition wearing some type of jacket yapping about either my hate for Honorius or my love for parliamentary procedure .