VJCL Winter Forum 2024 (6) | Page 6

Olivia Phelps - Historian

Salvete ! For the past three years , I have been lucky enough to serve on my school ’ s Classics Club board , but now I am even more honored to be your VJCL Historian ! Classics provides me with long-time friends , wonderful teachers , and opportunities to learn . As Historian , I will capture the joy that Classics provides through photos , whether that would be at certamen , online events , or convention !

Kaitlyn Tyler - Secretary

Salvete Amici ! My name is Kaitlyn , and I ’ m the 2023 - 2024 VJCL Secretary ! I ’ m a sophomore at Stafford High School , and I ’ m currently taking Latin 3 . I love the Classics , so being able to involve myself in the VJCL as an officer is kind of a dream come true for me . I am excited to see what this year brings , and building connections with my fellow JCLers .