VJCL Winter Forum 2024 (6) | Page 3



Hey everyone ! It ’ s your editor , Panchami Rangaraju . Just like you all , ( hopefully ) I have been eagerly counting down the days until the Winter Forum can get published . I had so much fun writing this season ’ s publication , and I hope that becomes apparent as you continue reading . Inside this magazine

D is an amalgamation of everything I ’ ve been dreaming about including in the Forum since my first convention in 7th grade : diversity , op-eds , convention features , creative writing stories , and so much more . What I hoped to achieve with my first Forum , is a seamless blend between the old and new . Including traditional sections were a must , but I also knew I had to venture out and really start diversifying the content of the Forum . So , this Forum is dedicated to new beginnings : sic parvus magna . Happy reading !