Table of Contents
VJCL Directory Officers
President -Vivian Xue president @ virginiajcl . org 1st Vice President -Mackenzie Sanford 1stvp @ virginiajcl . org 2nd Vice President - Maddox Johnson 2ndvp @ virginiajcl . org Secretary - Kaitlyn Tyler secretary @ virginiajcl . org Parliamentarian - Josh Kohm parliamentarian @ virginiajcl . org Historian - Olivia Phelps historian @ virginiajcl . org Editor - Panchami Rangaraju editor @ virginiajcl . org Co-Chairs VJCL Convention and Finances : Jason Robertson , ​Classical Cottage Consortium Academics : Nadia Ghosheh , Hayfield Secondary School Technology : Bethany Schwartz , Independence High School NJCL Convention : Theri Andino , Flint Hill School Officer Liaison : Erin Prokopchak , John Champe High School
Letter from the Editor Officer Bios VJCL : Through My Eyes VJCL Awards Why Lightning Bugs Glow at Night Announcements Why and How to Run for Office The Wild West of Latin For the Culture : Foreword For the Culture : Q & A
For the Culture : Recommended Resources
SUBMIT to Editor @ vjcl . org !
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