Why and How to Run for Office
By VJCL Parliamentarian , Josh Kohm
Salvete Omnes ! This is the first of four short articles I ’ ll be writing on running for office in the VJCL , and why you should do it . In this article , I ’ ll mostly just be talking about the requirements to run for office , and what offices you can run for , so let ’ s dive in , my fellow nerds .
First , you have to meet a few basic requirements to be allowed to run for office . Your chapter must be in good standing ( email me at parliamentarian @ virginiajcl . org and check out the VJCL constitution for more on good standing ), you must be taking a Classical language during your term of office or have completed all levels offered at your school , and you cannot be a senior at the start of your term ( sorry class of ‘ 25 ).
And that ’ s it for requirements ! Anyone can run for office , and if you have even the faintest interest in it please email me for more info , and consider running for office ! But you may be thinking to yourself “ What offices are there to even run for ?”
Photo credits : Hannah Urdanick