The Forum is expecting more submission opportunities for VJCL students . We are planning to have a creative writing contest , photo of the month , and club of the month all in the next coming months ! Plus , if you want to be featured in the Forum , don ’ t hesitate to reach out to editor @ virginiajcl . org , or in other words , me : D . Being featured in the Forum is a great way to show off your talents , and connect with your fellow JCL ’ ers . As long as it ’ s Classics related - we ’ ll take it !
Upcoming Dates :
Spring Council Meeting
April 7 , 2024 | 11 am Stafford High School 63 Stafford Indians Lane Fredericksburg , VA 22405 This meeting is open to all VJCL students , sponsors , parents , officers and co-chairs .
Submission Opportunities :
The Forum is expecting more submission opportunities for VJCL students . We are planning to have a creative writing contest , photo of the month , and club of the month all in the next coming months ! Plus , if you want to be featured in the Forum , don ’ t hesitate to reach out to editor @ virginiajcl . org , or in other words , me : D . Being featured in the Forum is a great way to show off your talents , and connect with your fellow JCL ’ ers . As long as it ’ s Classics related - we ’ ll take it !