In reverse-gavel-order there are seven available offices , so let ' s speed through them ! The Editor is responsible for compiling and publishing the Forum four times a year ( where you are probably reading this now ). The Historian is responsible for documenting the VJCL through photos and the state scrapbook which they submit to the NJCL at the national convention each year . The Parliamentarian ( by far the coolest office ) is responsible for updating and amending the constitution , getting people to run for office , and overseeing elections . The Secretary takes and publishes meeting minutes to keep the VJCL informed of what happens at official meetings . The Second Vice President is in charge of charity drives done by the VJCL , and spirit at the National Convention ( you should go to the National convention too ). The First Vice President is focused on improving membership in the VJCL and making it more equitable for all . The President oversees the entire board , focuses the board ’ s message , and keeps all of us rapscallion officers in line .
Being an officer is stressful at times but it ’ s also super fun ! You also get a cool box , a snazzy pin , and perhaps most importantly a guaranteed seat at GA ’ s . If you ’ re not excited to run , what ' s wrong with you ? Subsequent issues of this article will tell you exactly how to prefile for office , how to campaign , and how to give good speeches . We are still nine months away from convention but if you have any questions or are thinking about running for office , please shoot me an email !
Valete omnes !
Photo credits : Hannah Urdanick