Sunday , November 10th kicked off VJCL ' s 2022 State Convention . Delegates arrived from every corner of the state to experience the fun-filled and action-packed weekend for themselves . " Getting to be in person after 2 years of virtual conventions was truly the highlight of Convention 2022 , and made it the best ones yet ," said one participant . " I was in no way prepared for the absolutely amazing feeling it would be to be able talk , laugh , and compete with VJCLers in person !"
This year , VJCL-er ' s were inspired by the national theme , which translated to " They who rush across the sea change their sky , not their soul " from Horace ' s Epistles 1.11 . At the Valete Assembly on Monday , winners from the English and Latin oratory competitions also served as a s ource of inspiration as they presented to the entire convention .
As expected , delegates enjoyed many of the usual Convention activities such as the Sunday night toga banquet , " That ' s Entertainment ," and a very competitive Nominations Convention . Once pleasant surprise , however , was getting to see the 2021-2022 officers dressed up in various costumes on Monday after losing a competition with the NJCL officers . Overall , VJCL delegates had an amazing time and are looking forward to the JCL national convention this summer . See you there !