VJCL Winter Forum 2023 | Page 9



1st Vice President Matt Smith

President Abigayle Cheney

" Since Convention I have gotten in contact with my predecessor , started making plans for future events , and attended the officer meeting earlier this month . In December I focused on evaluating my position by going through the box and contacting Lauren for any questions . I also started to plan out the theme of the month idea which I campaigned on . In January I worked on solidifying my event plans and working with fellow officers on their plans . I plan to work out the details of the membership committee and to fix some of the kinks in the theme of the month moving forward . I am super excited to see what amazing ideas are thought of in the future !”
" Since taking over the office of president at Convention I have researched the roles and responsibilities of the VJCL president , attended a meeting with the officers and co-chairs , hosted meetings with officers , talked with officers past and present about past and current projects , done work on various committees , talked with VJCLers about getting involved in the VJCL , made posts on the VJCL instagram , worked on planning a Southern VA Certamen event , created the agenda for today ' s meeting , and learned how to run an official VJCL board meeting ."
( Right ) Some pictures from the Winter Board Meeting on 1 / 28 / 23 . This closed meeting was hosted in a hybrid style with inperson delegates meting at John Champe High School .
You can view the meeting minutes by visiting :
https :// tinyurl . com / VJCLWinter Meeting