VJCL Forum Winter 2020 | Page 9

encourage them to join and welcome them in when they do. They will also be well positioned to support the JCL and Classics towards local governments in their area. Currently, the First VP gets an official proclamation of Classics Week from the governor. The committee can expand that effort to obtain local proclamations of Classics Week and more official support for Latin and the Classics from their local governments.


The third purpose is perhaps the most important of the three: to provide an avenue for VJCLers who are truly passionate to get more involved in state-level initiatives and gain valuable experience in the duties of the First Vice President. It’s an unusual job, one that experience as only a local First VP doesn’t quite

prepare you for. This committee will provide a clear path to leadership and ensure a wealth of qualified candidates for both the office of VJCL First Vice President, and any other office that former committee members are willing and able to put their minds and experience to.

have questions? want to learn how to get more involved?

please contact Jack Purple, VJCL 1st Vice President

@ [email protected] to find out more about

the Membership Committee


The core belief of the membership committee is

that the people in their own regions know best what they need from the JCL in order to be successful. This committee will do everything in its power to offer support and foster growth for the requested initiatives in these areas.