VJCL Forum Winter 2020 | Page 10



of the


Josh Liberman, VJCL 2nd Vice President

The Spirit of the JCL is, in my opinion, the best thing about the JCL. Both literally and metaphorically, Spirit creates friendships and bonds that are nearly indestructible. For the Spirit that we all physically take part in by shouting out our lungs to show how much we love Latin, the passion in the air is tangible and pungent. Where else can you find a group of people who are so willing to scream and show their appreciation for a language which many consider to be dead? Of course, it is doubtful that anyone who has taken part in Spirit or even observed it would be able to confidently say, “The Latin language is dead” over the roar of a thousand voices beating as one, shouting back, “Lingua Latina vivit!” It is hard to express just how much the JCL does for the people it touches, and the growth of Latin and the classics.

On a personal level, my first JCL experience came at the 2017 VJCL convention. I was a young Latin student with a passion for the language, but I was afraid to break out of my shell, scared of what other people would think of me. But Spirit was different. With everyone cheering around me, I didn’t feel alone or scared: I felt a part of something bigger than myself, a part of a group of people who all loved Latin just as much as I did and who wanted to continue to see Latin and Greek flourish. My fears disappeared as I cheered, and my school even won first place. From that moment forward, I knew VJCL was special. It is a place open to anyone who wants to foster a passion for the classics.

If I am being honest, I did love my first VJCL convention, but I couldn’t grasp how special it was at the time. I will never forget seeing one of my senior friends at the end of her last convention bawling her eyes out; it honestly confused me.

I remember hugging her and saying, “It’s okay! Why are you crying?”

Looking back now, I am astounded that I couldn’t see why she was so emotional. People who have been coming to convention for years make so many friends, especially because they keep coming back, so it is really, really, really, really, really, really hard to say goodbye. The more you come back, the more it pulls you in: this is the power of the Spirit of JCL. My first VJCL experience was special (as I am sure it was for many of you) but my first NJCL convention was truly one of the most

She laughed a little while, still teary eyed, and choked out the words, “You just don’t understand! I am going to miss so many people here.”