VJCL Forum Winter 2020 | Page 8

e pluribus,

Jack Purple,

VJCL 1st Vice President


What will the membership committee actually do?

This is the most common question

I have received in response to my proposals for such a committee. It’s an understandable one, too: the duties of the First Vice President, are themselves vague and

open ended, and so the purpose of any

open-ended, so the purpose of any committee designed to assist in those goals will be unclear itself at first glance. In this article, I’ll shed some light on what I’m planning for this committee this year.


To make things easier, I’ll start off with what my committee will not do: It will not, to any degree, replace the executive board as a whole, any of my fellow officers, or me in powers, duties, and responsibilities. Instead, it will serve as an aid to the above, advising both me and any other officers who require it on the

status of the JCL on the ground in all corners of the state. The committee will also meet with me and the VJCL President for regular meetings, and serve as a source of feedback and new ideas for membership initiatives before they hit the executive board itself. In this way, the VJCL will have more effectively targeted and calibrated membership efforts than ever before.


As it stands, the job of the First Vice President is very centralized. They are responsible for releasing promotional materials, acquiring proclamations and support from the government, and encouraging membership on their own. That is why the second function of the committee is making those tasks more

effective by refocusing them onto a wider, more local scale. Committee members will be able to meet with potential new chapters in their area to